Monday, November 3, 2008

kode babi pada kemasan

Which E-numbers and additives are from animal origin ?

In this document we list which E-numbers may be derived from animal origin. In many cases the origin of the product may be either from animal or non-animal sources. This is especially the case for those additives that contain fatty acids. These are normally of plant origin, but animal origin cannot be excluded. As the products are chemically identical, only the produces can give information on the exact origin.

Each religious (Muslim, Jew, Hindu or other) or other group (vegetarians, vegans) can use the list below to determine whether or not to accept the additive.






Carmine, Cochineal

Colour isolated from the insects Coccus cacti



Soy beans and for some purposes from chicken eggs.


Polyoxyethylene(8) stearate

Stearic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate

Stearic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan monolaurate

Lauric acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan mono-oleate

Oleic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan monopalmitate

Palmitic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan monostearate

Stearic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Polyoxyethylene-20-sorbitan tristearate

Stearic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.

441 (invalid)


From animal bones. Since the BSE crisis mainly from pork, but other animal bones are used. Halal gelatin is available in specialised shops.


Fatty acid salts

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Mono- and di-glycerides of fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Esters of mono- and diglycerides

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Sugar esters of fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.



Combination of sugar and fatty acids. For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Propyleneglycol esters of fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Mixture of glycerol- and propyleneglycol esters of lactic acid and fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.

E479 and 479b

Esterified soy oil

For fatty acids, see note below this table.



Mixture of lactic acid and stearic acid, a fatty acid. For fatty acids, see note below this table.



Mixture of tartaric acid and stearic acid, a fatty acid. For fatty acids, see note below this table.



Mixture of citric acid and stearic acid, a fatty acid. For fatty acids, see note below this table.


(invalid number)


From animal bones. Since the BSE crisis mainly from pork, but other animal bones are used. Halal gelatin is available in specialised shops.


Combinations of sorbitol and fatty acids

For fatty acids, see note below this table.


Edible bone phosphate

From animal bones. Since the BSE crisis mainly from pork, but other animal bones are used.


Stearic acid and stearates

Stearic acid is a fatty acid. See note below this table.


Guanylic acid and guanylatens

Mainly from yeast, also from sardines and meat.


Inosinic acid and inosinates

Mainly from meat and fish, also made with bacteria.

636, 637 Maltol and Isomaltol From malt (barley), sometimes also from heating milk sugar.



Mainly from gelatine (see 441 above), also synthetically.


Bees wax

Made by bees, but does not contain insects.



Natural polymer derived from certain species of lice from India. Insects get trapped in the resin.



A wax from sheep. It is excreted by the skin of the sheep and extracted from the wool.


Cystein en cystin

Derived from proteins, including animal protein and hair.



Made from milk sugar


Cholic acid

From beef (bile)



From chicken eggs

Fatty acids

Fats, whether from plant or animal origin, consist of glycerol and generally 3 fatty acids. Fats can enzymatically be split in fatty acids and glycerol. The fatty acids can be purified and reconnected to glycerol as mono- di- of triglycerides (glycerol with 1, 2 or 3 fatty acids respectively). Many additives consist of these semi-natural fats, which act as emulsifiers.

These semi-natural fats are degraded and metabolise din the body, just like normal fat.

Chemically the fatty acids from animal or plant origin are identical. Therefore the origin is of no importance for the function in the food. Producers thus normally choose the cheapest oils to make these fats. This is generally some vegetable oil. However, animal fats can not be excluded.

Unfortunately it is not possible to distinguish animal and vegetable fatty acids in the final product. Only the producer can provide information on the origin. As there is a risk for animal fats, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and vegans should avoid these products, unless the origin is mentioned by the producer.

Other common ingredients of animal origin :


Casein and caseinate

A protein from cow's milk


From animal bones. Since the BSE crisis mainly from pork, but other animal bones are used. Halal and kosher gelatin is available in specialised shops.


Sugar from cow's milk

Omega-3-fatty acids

From fish, seals and soy.

Whey and wheypowder

A fraction of milk, see also here.
(Whey, wheypowder and cheese may not be halal when the animal that provided the rennet to clot the milk, is not slaughtered according to Islamic rules. Only the producer can provide the information on the status of these products.)

Overview of additives and ingredients that are often mentioned as being from animal origin:



Riboflavin (lactoflavin)

Yellow food colour. It can be isolated from milk, but commercially produced from micro-organisms. Isolation from milk is too expensive.



Prepared from charcoal from burned wood. Can be obtained from burned animals, but this is no longer done.



Colour prepared from mushrooms or synthetically from carotene. Historically it was also prepared from shrimp waste or flaming feathers. Synthetic cantaxanthin is cheaper and has higher purity.


Lactic acid and lactates

Made by bacterial fermentation on sugar waste (molasses). It is not present in milk. All fermented products (dairy and non-dairy) contain lactic acid as the result of bacterial fermentation. Commercially only prepared from sugar.

E306, 307, 308

Tocopherols (vitamin E)

From vegetable oils. Also in animal (fish) oils but these oils are too expensive. Fish oils are, however, used as a source in food supplements, but not in foods, due to the strong flavour.



See E270 above.


Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3)

From yeast. Production from liver is too expensive.



Part of animal and vegetable fat. Commercially made synthetically from petroleum.



Synthetic vegetable fat.



Commercially only made from sugar by bacterial fermentation or from seaweed. Theoretically from any protein, but that is too expensive.



Synthetic. Can be isolated from urine, but too complicated and expensive.


Vitamin B12

Commercially only made by bacterial fermentation. Isolation from meat is too expensive, due to the very low concentrations.


        Oleh Dr.M. Anjad Khan
        Salah seorang rekan saya bernama Shaikh Sahib, bekerja sebagai
        pegawai di
        Badan Pengawasan Obat & Makanan (POM) di Pegal, Perancis. Tugasnya,
        mencatat semua merk barang, makanan & obat-obatan
        Produk apapun yang akan disajikan suatu perusahaan ke pasaran,
        bahan-bahan produk tesebut harus terlebih dulu mendapat ijin dari BPOM
        Prancis dan Shaikh Sahib bekerja di bagian QC. Tak heran jika ia
        berbagai macam bahan makanan yang dipasarkan. Banyak dari bahan-bahan
        dituliskan dengan istilah ilmiah, namun ada juga beberapa yang
        dituliskan dalam
        bentuk matematis seperti E-904, E-141.
        Awalnya, saat Shaikh Sahib menemukan bentuk matematis, dia penasaran
        lalu menanyakan kode matematis tersebut kepada orang Prancis yang
        dalam bidang itu. Orang Prancis menjawab, Kerjakan saja tugasmu, dan
        jangan banyak tanya ...!
        Jawaban itu, semakin menimbulkan kecurigaan Sahib, lalu ia pun mulai
        mencari tahu kode matematis dalam dokumen yang ada. Ternyata, apa yang
        dia temukan cukup mengagetkan kaum muslimin dunia. Hampir di seluruh
        negara bagian barat, termasuk Eropa pilihan utama untuk daging adalah
        Peternakan babi sangat banyak terdapat di negara- negara tersebut. Di
        Perancis sendiri jumlah peternakan babi mencapai lebih dari 42.000
        Jumlah kandungan lemak dalam tubuh babi sangat tinggi dibandingkan
        dengan hwan lainnya. Namun, orang Eropa & Amerika berusaha menghindari
        lemak-lemak itu. Yang menjadi pertanyaan dikemanakan lemak-lemak babi
        tersebut ? Babi-babi dipotong di rumah jagal yang diawasi BPOM, tapi
        yang bikin
        pusing POM adalah membuang lemak yang sudah dipisahkan dari daging
        Dahulu sekitar 60 tahun lalu, lemak-lemak babi itu dibakar. Kini
        pun berpikir untuk memanfaatkan lemak-lemak tersebut. Sebagai awal uji
        cobanya, mereka membuat sabun dengan bahan lemak babi, dan ternyata
        Lemak-lemak itu diproses secara kimiawi, dikemas rapi dan dipasarkan.
        Negara di Eropa memberlakukan aturan yang mewajibkan bahan setiap
        produk makanan, obat-obatan harus dicantumkan pada kemasan. Karena
        itu, bahan
        dari lemak babi dicantumkan dengan nama Pig Fat (lemak babi) pada
        kemasan produknya. Agar mudah dipasarkan, penulisan lemak babi dalam
        diganti dengan lemak hewan. Ketika produsen ditanya pihak berwenang
        dari negara Islam,
        maka dijawab lemak tersebut adalah lemak sapi & domba. Meskipun begitu
        lemak-lemak itu haram bagi muslim, karena penyembelihannya tidak
        syariat Islam.Label baru itu dilarang keras masuk negara Islam,
        produsen menghadapi masalah keuangan sangat serius, karena 75%
        mereka diperoleh dengan menjual produk ke negara Islam, mengingat
        laba yang
        dicapai bisa mencapai miliaran dollar.
        Akhirnya, mereka membuat kodifikasi bahasa yang hanya dimengerti BPOM,
        sementara orang lain tak ada yang tahu. Kode diawali dengan E ? CODES,
        E-INGREDIENTS, ini terdapat dalam produk perusahaan mutinasional,
        antara lain :
        pasta gigi, pemen karet, cokelat, gula2, biskuit, makanan kaleng,
        buah2an kaleng, dan beberapa multivitamin serta masih banyak lagi
        jenis makanan
        & obat2an lainnya.
        Karena itu, saya mohon kepada sesama muslim dimana pun, untuk
        memeriksa secara seksama bahan2 produk yang akan kita konsumsi dan
        dengan daftar kode E-CODES, berikut ini karena produk dengan kode-kode
        di bawah ini, positif mengandung lemak babi :
        E100, E110, E120, E-140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234,
        E252,E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432,
        E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,
        E476, E477, E478, E481, E482,E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495,
        E542, E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
        Adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama untuk mengikuti syari'at Islam dan
        juga memberitahukan informasi ini kepada sesama muslim lainnya.
        Semoga manfaat,
        M. Anjad Khan
        Medical Research Institute United States
        ************ ****
        Kalo mo hang out di Starbucks or Coffebean, pikir2 ulang deh
        .... karena, ternyata semua minuman mengandung elmusifier yang berasal
        dari babi. Kalo membeli makanan kita juga gampang mengetahui halal or
        caranya dg melihat ada tidaknya kode E ? trus tiga digit angka
        dan itu artinya bahan2 berasal dari lemak babi...
        ************ ****
        Dear all ...
        Jika memang emulsifier yang dipake starbuck adalah kode E471 (tidak
        embel2 lain, misal : lecithin de sojaatau soy lecithin), maka saya
        yakni bahwa "origin"nya adalah pork or varken (babi)
        Sebenarnya tak hanya E471 tapi juga E472, para keluarga muslim
        Groningen the Netherlands & ikatan kel muslim Eropa memperingatkan
        kami utk
        mengecek content / ingredient emulsifier ini pd setiap produk makanan
        yg akan
        dibeli. Kami pun sempat kaget, karena emulsifier juga digunakan pada
        tawar. Karena itu, kami sarankan kpd kel muslim utk pilih roti tawar
        istilah biological bread (non-chemical additive), tentu saja resikonya
        lebih mahal (1/2 blok roti tawar jenis ini hampir 3 X harga roti
        tawar dg
        emulsifier), yang pentingkan halal.
        ************ ********* *******
        FYI ....
        E471 biasa dikenal dg sebutan lecithin è originnya merupakan ekstrak
        dari tulang babi.
        E472 (saya tak ingat nama dagangnya) è originnya adalah ekstrak
        tulang babi.
        Kedua additive ini merupakan senyawa turunan dr asam lemak (fatty
        acid). Biasanya kedua additive ini sangat sering ditemukan pada
        berikut :
        Produk makanan mengandung cokelat è roti, ice cream, biskuit, dll
        Produk makanan yg perlu elmusifier è coklat bar, ice cream, or bulk,
        coffee cream, marshmallo, jelly, dsb.
        Demikian sekilas info, semoga manfaat
        Wallahu'alam bi shawab

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